Mann Family History

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How it all began.

I lost my grandfather Chester C. Mann in 1997. Losing him had a major impact on my life. I realized at that time, all my grandparents were gone and I never really got to know any of them. A co-worker of mine was researching her family and would come to work everyday excited with new bits and pieces of information on her family history. No one in my family had shown interested in researching our history, no one that is but my father. Knowing he'd never start the search, I decided to take it on in hopes that it would give him something meaningful. My co-worker helped me get started. Click on Complete Tree to see what I've gathered so far.

This is a work in progress. Please visit frequently, this site changes often.

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Genealogy Resources

    Listed below are some websites that will help get you started with your own family search.

    More than 100,00 links to genealogy research. This is the most informative site you can find on the web!

    Many search engines for different type of surname searches. Links to state census and the social security death index. Great tool.

    Post information about your family on multiple message boards.

    Genealogy site from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I do a lot of my research at my local family history library. If you're in the Sacramento area it is located on Eastern, between Marconi and El Camino. It is run strictly by volunteers which are very helpful. Most are or have done their own family research.